Lisa Jacobs, MSW, CE

Location: Halifax
Pronouns: she/her
Identity: I identify as someone with an invisible disability.
Services Offered:
Accessibility, Evaluation, Facilitation, Strategic Planning
Work Description:
I am a certified accessibility assessor (i.e. I can conduct assessments of buildings and other physical spaces); I do strategic planning using a highly participatory process. I am a certified professional evaluator who can help organizations develop evaluation plans. I provide general facilitation services as well, supporting an organization to work together to achieve a desired outcome.
My fee for the development of a strategic plan is $5,000 and it includes conducting up to 8 interviews and administrating an online survey, as well as 4 workshops. My rate for other work is between $50-80 hour.
Non Profit Experience
Yes, multiple (Nova Scotia Sea School, Immigrant Migrant Women's Association of Halifax, Atlantic Water Network, Northumberland Arts Council, Rainbow Refugee Association of Nova Scotia