Now, more than ever, we are hearing the need to connect with other Executive Directors, so we are moving our ED Network meeting online. Virtual Executive Directors NetworksCOVID-19 has reshaped how many organizations conduct business, and the Community Sector Council...
Archives: Events
Virtual ED Network – South Shore Region
Now, more than ever, we are hearing the need to connect with other Executive Directors, so we are moving our ED Network meeting online. Virtual Executive Directors NetworksCOVID-19 has reshaped how many organizations conduct business, and the Community Sector Council...
Virtual ED Network – Central Region
Now, more than ever, we are hearing the need to connect with other Executive Directors, so we are moving our ED Network meeting online. Virtual Executive Directors NetworksCOVID-19 has reshaped how many organizations conduct business, and the Community Sector Council...
Virtual ED Network – Highlands Region
Now, more than ever, we are hearing the need to connect with other Executive Directors, so we are moving our ED Network meeting online. Virtual Executive Directors NetworksCOVID-19 has reshaped how many organizations conduct business, and the Community Sector Council...
COVID-19 LIVE Q&A Sessions – Rodney Employment Law
COVID-19 LIVEQ&A Sessions - Rodney Employment LawRecurring - every Wed & Fri
Five Good Ideas about re-opening your workplace post COVID-19
Five Good Ideas about re-opening your workplace post COVID-19 What does the “new normal” look like for workplaces? Organizations had to quickly transform to adjust to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, and now they will have to be just as nimble to respond to the...
Helping your NFP Organization Weather the Economic Storm – Charity Village
The global health crisis has placed world markets in aprecarious position with no end in sight. In this time of uncertainty, we’veseen many not-for-profit organizations across Canada struggle to retain donorsand stay afloat. So, what can you do to keep your...
COVID-19 LIVE Q&A Sessions – Rodney Employment Law
COVID-19 LIVEQ&A Sessions - Rodney Employment LawRecurring - every Wed & Fri
COVID-19 LIVE Q&A Sessions – Rodney Employment Law
COVID-19 LIVEQ&A Sessions - Rodney Employment LawRecurring - every Wed & Fri
COVID-19 LIVE Q&A Sessions – Rodney Employment Law
COVID-19 LIVEQ&A Sessions - Rodney Employment LawRecurring - every Wed & Fri