**THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED** Please vsiit: https://ions-dev.alltimelowe.com/cscns-covid-19-response-resources/ to learn more The Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia invites you for an informative learning opportunity highlighting Stephanie Atwood and...
Archives: Events
Leveraging Technology – Volunteer NS Database-VALLEY-POSTPONED
**THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED** Please vsiit: https://ions-dev.alltimelowe.com/cscns-covid-19-response-resources/ to learn more This ED Network will showcase technology designed to help non profit and voluntary organizations recruit, engage, and retain volunteers....
ElevateHER Mental Health Support Services Canada – AMHERST
ElevateHER Mental Health Support Services Canada is a not-for-profit organization, providing workshops, events, programming, individual coaching and support services throughout Canada, primarily based in Nova Scotia. ElevateHER takes pride in the fact we not only...
Building an Intercultural Workplace – ANTIGONISH
LEADERSHIP FOR A DIVERSE WORKPLACE CULTURE This engaging workshop series, facilitated by Paul Pickering, Workplace Culture Program Coordinator - ISANS, helps you recognize and use skills already in-house, and counter challenges you likely have, to increase immigrant...
*Rescheduled* Financial Sustainability – SOUTH SHORE
Full day workshop on Financial Sustainability This full day workshop on Financial Sustainability represents the third offering of our workshop series on Nonprofit Organizational Core Competencies, and follows on from our previous sessions on Board Governance and...
Executive Director Network-CENTRAL-Snowshoe/Hike-Feb 19, 2020
The Community Sector Council invites Executive Directors in the Central Region to an outdoor snowshoe/hike gathering at Long Lake Provincial Park, Spryfield, NS(across from Cowie Hill on North West Arm Drive) on February 19, 2020 at 10am-Noon. We have access to 17...
“What We Heard” — Executive Directors Network
Join us for this follow-up to our December 9 Consultation where we plan to share with you what stood out for us from the consultations. At this “What We Heard” session in January, we will be sharing the prominent threads and trends that we heard from the 322 people...
Poster Making 101 – AMHERST
Learn how to create eye-catching posters to promote non-profit activities including events, programs, and community initiatives! Join us for a 3-hour hands-on workshop designed to teach the basics of making great posters. Participants will learn principles of good...
ElevateHER Mental Health Support Services Canada – NEW GLASGOW – POSTPONED
**THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED** Please vsiit: https://ions-dev.alltimelowe.com/cscns-covid-19-response-resources/ to learn more ElevateHER Mental Health Support Services Canada is a not-for-profit organization, providing workshops, events, programming, individual...
Opening Doors for Everyone: Lunch & Learn! Supporting NS in Becoming an Inclusive Province!
Opening Doors for Everyone (ODE) Lunch & LearnUnder the direction of The Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, reachAbility is excited to introduce to you this FREE workshop!Business Accessibility laws are changing! How will it affect you? ODE is...