If you are an Executive Director, please consider joining the ED Network! We are offering a safe space for you to come together and:*Connect with peers *Advocate for change *Engage in learning & professional development *Strengthen knowledge of existing programs...
Archives: Events
Leadership Lab-Cybersecurity Information Session with Securicy-Sydney
Cyber Threats Are On The Rise Cyber attacks and data breaches are threatening to you as a business owner There are challenges that cyber threats present for organizations that handle sensitive confidential, personal, or financial information Cybersecurity is...
Opening Doors for Everyone: Lunch & Learn! Supporting NS in Becoming an Inclusive Province!
Opening Doors for Everyone (ODE) Lunch & Learn Under the direction of The Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, reachAbility is excited to introduce to you this FREE workshop! Business Accessibility laws are changing! How will it affect you? ODE is...
Executive Directors Network-Central Region
If you are an Executive Director in the Halifax/Central Region, please consider joining the ED Network! *Connect with peers *Advocate for change *Engage in learning & professional development *Strengthen knowledge of existing programs & services *Reduce...
Executive Directors Network-Central Region
If you are an Executive Director in the Halifax/Central Region, please consider joining the ED Network!*Connect with peers *Advocate for change *Engage in learning & professional development *Strengthen knowledge of existing programs & services *Reduce...
Stronger Together: Community-Engaged Research-CLARI-Central Region
The Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia is happy to host a discussion on community-engaged research.Leading the discussion will be CLARI (the Change Lab Action Research Initiative). Based at Saint Mary’s University, CLARI is a partnership of seven post-secondary...
Building an Intercultural Workplace – CENTRAL
LEADERSHIP FOR A DIVERSE WORKPLACE CULTURE This engaging workshop series, facilitated by Paul Pickering, Workplace Culture Program Coordinator - ISANS, helps you recognize and use skills already in-house, and counter challenges you likely have, to increase immigrant...
ED Network:Nova Scotia Accessibility Act – Amherst
All are welcome to join Joshua Bates, Senior Policy Analyst of the Nova Scotia Accessibility Directorate for a discussion of the new Nova Scotia Accessibility Act. Topics covered will include the a review of the act, an update of its implementation and next steps,...
Leadership Lab: Unleashing Human Potential Through Values-Driven Leadership and Cultures
A Introduction To: Unleashing Human Potential Through Values-driven Leadership and Cultures In the community and not-for-profit sector, the leaders’ values drive the culture; the culture drives employee fulfilment; employee fulfilment drives mission assurance; and...
Leveraging Technology – Volunteer NS Database (Amherst)
This ED Network will showcase technology designed to help non profit and voluntary organizations recruit, engage, and retain volunteers. This session we will have speaker Jim Dorey of Volunteer Nova Scotia show us how to naviagte the new VolunteerNS Database.