ED Network provides the most senior staff leader in the organization with the opportunities to: Connect with peers Advocate for change Engage in learning & professional development Strengthen our knowledge of existing programs & services Reduce professional...
Archives: Events
ED Networking Meeting, New Minas, September 12th 2019
ED Network provides a forum for executive directors to discuss issues relevant to their work in a confidential format. The CSCNS will provide the place and facilitator. Executive Directors bring their energy, ideas and experience. ED Network provides the most senior...
Building An Intercultural Workplace – VALLEY
LEADERSHIP FOR A DIVERSE WORKPLACE CULTURE This engaging workshop series, facilitated by Paul Pickering, Workplace Culture Program Coordinator - ISANS, helps you recognize and use skills already in-house, and counter challenges you likely have, to increase immigrant...
ED Networking Meeting – Middleton, November 7th 2019
ED Network provides the most senior staff leader in the organization with the opportunities to: Connect with peers Advocate for change Engage in learning & professional development Strengthen our knowledge of existing programs & services Reduce professional...
ED Network: Community-Engaged Research-CLARI (New Glasgow)
Leading the discussion will be CLARI (the Change Lab Action Research Initiative). Based at Saint Mary’s University, CLARI is a partnership of seven post-secondary institutions in Nova Scotia. It’s purpose is to promote and support the engagement of CLARI-member...
Executive Directors Network-Cape Breton Region
If you are an Executive Director, please consider joining the ED Network! We are offering a safe space for you to come together and:*Connect with peers *Advocate for change *Engage in learning & professional development *Strengthen knowledge of existing programs...
Kairos Blanket Exercise-Stronger Together-Highland Region
The KAIROS Blanket Exercise™ program is a unique, participatory history lesson – developed in collaboration with Indigenous Elders, knowledge keepers and educators – that fosters truth, understanding, respect and reconciliation among Indigenous and non-indigenous...
Stronger Together: Community-Engaged Research-CLARI-Central Region
The Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia is happy to host a discussion on community-engaged research.Leading the discussion will be CLARI (the Change Lab Action Research Initiative). Based at Saint Mary’s University, CLARI is a partnership of seven post-secondary...
Executive Director Network-CENTRAL-Hike
The Community Sector Council invites Executive Directors in the Central Region to an outdoor hike gathering at Long Lake Provincial Park, Spryfield, NS(across from Cowie Hill on North West Arm Drive) on May 7th, 2019 at 10am-Noon. Janet Barlow, Executive Director...
Accessibility Act Information Session – Digby April 24th
Opening Doors for Everyone (ODE) Under the direction of The Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, reachAbility is excited to introduce to you this FREE workshop! Business Accessibility laws are changing! How will it affect you? ODE is a disability and...