Archives: Events

Our Two Cents: Funding 101 for Community Organizations

Our Two Cents: Funding 101 for Community Organizations

Hear from representatives of various funding streams and learn some tips for success in accessing funds from different sources.Funding Community Impact Series: Session 1What this session has to offer:Have you heard the advice that you must "diversify your funding...

ExploratIONS Book Club: No Hard Feelings Discussion

ExploratIONS Book Club: No Hard Feelings Discussion

Join us over lunch to chat about No Hard Feelings and dig into our emotions at work!In January we launched our Book Club - ExploratIONS: A JEDDI Book Club. The goal of this book club is to explore different ways of learning together to model our internal book club and...

Happy Birthday IONS!

Happy Birthday IONS!

Come help us celebrate IONS turning 1 year old on March 8th at Good Robot BrewingIONS is turning 1 year old! You’re invited to a celebration of this milestone with the IONS team at Good Robot. We would love to see and meet more people working in the Community Impact...

Alphabet Soup: Series 1 “Invitation to Unlearn”

Alphabet Soup: Series 1 “Invitation to Unlearn”

Join us for the first series of a 2SLGBTQIA+ learning journey exploring discrimination, community, history, and hope across Nova Scotia.Alphabet Soup: Queerness at the Kitchen TableThe Cape Breton Youth Project and Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia (IONS) are...

Student Wage Subsidy Program – Lunch and Learn

Student Wage Subsidy Program – Lunch and Learn

Join us for an virtual information session on how your organization can access funding to hire talented students.Join us virtually on January 19 from 11:30-12:30PMLearning Stream: Sustainable OperationsJoin us for a virtual information session to learn more about how...



We're launching a community book club pilot! Learning and knowing happen is many different ways. Reading and engaging with diverse stories and narratives that don't mirror our own experiences has been a source of personal and professional development for the IONS...

Engage Nova Scotia’s Winter Road Trip: Halifax

Engage Nova Scotia’s Winter Road Trip: Halifax

Engage Nova Scotia's Winter Road Trip is a series of 10 community conversations about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and quality of life in Nova Scotia. This is the Halifax stop, which will be hosted at NSCC - Institute of Technology Campus on Wednesday,...