Archives: Events

Exploring the 4-Day Work Week

Exploring the 4-Day Work Week

Join us April 13 for a session discussing research & emerging promising practices around implementing a 4-day work week across organizationsExploring the 4-Day Work Week: Research & ProtoypingJoin us virtually on April 13th, 10 am - 11:30amLearning Stream:...

Bystander Intervention

Bystander Intervention

Join us March 31 for a session that will explore an action model that can be used to prevent or mitigate further harm in the workplace. Bystander Intervention Join us virtually on March 31st, 10AM-12:00PM Learning Stream: Healthy Workplaces While working with others,...

ED Connections – Failing Forward

This session explores how we can build the culture of failing forward to support innovation, learning, and organizational capacity.You're invited to the Connections Peer-to-Peer Networking with EDsJoin us virtually March 30th, 9:00AM-10:30AMLearning Stream: Healthy...

Unconscious Bias with Ann Divine

Join us March 23 as Ann Divine breaks down what unconscious bias is, where it originates, and strategies around mitigating bias.Unconscious Bias with Ann DivineJoin us virtually on March 23rd, 9:30 AM-12:00 PMLearning Stream: Healthy WorkplacesBias affects all aspects...

Cyber Safety in a Virtual Work World

Join us March 2nd for a workshop on the growing scope of cyber crime and how it can be avoided as we navigate virtual and hybrid work.Cyber Safety in a Virtual Work WorldJoin us virtually on March 2nd, 10 AM-11:30 AMLearning Stream: Sustainable OperationsWith the...

Navigating the Human Resource Intervals Toolkit

Join us February 24 as Imagine Canada showcases their new toolkit for HR Management tailored to the Community Impact (Nonprofit) Sector.Navigating the HR Intervals Toolkit with Imagine CanadaJoin us virtually on February 24th, 10 AM-11:30 AMLearning Stream:...

ED Connections: Re-imagining Productivity

Join us for a session exploring the evidence-based findings and two leaders' modeled experience of redefining and achieving productivity.You're invited to the Connections Peer-to-Peer Networking with EDsJoin us virtually February 23rd, 9:00AM-10:30AMLearning Stream:...

Deepen your Capacity for Healthy Conflict

Join us on February 15th to explore strategies for expanding your capacity to respond to conflict with dignity, respect, and authenticity.Deepen your Healthy Conflict CapacityJoin us virtually February 15th, 10 AM-11:30 AMLearning Stream: Healthy Workplaces Have you...

CSCNS Black History Learning Journey: Series 2

Join us for an e-learning series exploring the social determinants of health, education, justice, housing, the environment, and employment.Black History Learning Journey - Series 2This year, the Nova Scotia Legislation officially designated August 1st as Emancipation...

KAIROS Blanket Exercise

Join us September 30th for the KAIROS Blanket Exercise! An event to celebrate the first National Day for Truth & Reconciliation.The Mawita’mk Society and the Community Sector Council have partnered to bring the KAIROS Blanket Exercise to We’koqma’q First Nation as...