In January 2022, IONS conducted the 2022 State of the Sector Survey to understand trends across the Community Impact Sector and to learn more about what’s needed to increase our sector’s impact, sustainability, and equity. This research was designed to build upon the data and findings from the 2020 State of the Nonprofit Sector Report released by APEC. Behind the scenes, our team gathered data from the survey analytics collected from 253 impact organizations, as well as additional data sources from Statistics Canada, the Canada Revenue Agency, and the Registry of Joint Stock Companies.
And now, we are launching the 2022 State of the Community Impact Sector offerings! These different tools allow you to engage with the research and data in multiple ways
The 2022 State of the Sector Report, an interactive Sector Data Dashboard, and the first digital Sector Network Map are now available on our website. The dashboard offers visual insights and trends across sub-sectors and the map provides organizational activity by geographic area. As platforms for learning and a catalyst for collaboration and conversation, we are excited to share these new tools with the sector. Check them out below.
On June 23rd we hosted a webinar to present an overview of the research findings of the current state of Nova Scotia’s Community Impact Sector. We shared what we learned from the survey about challenges and opportunities facing impact organizations in Nova Scotia and highlighted key trends around core funding and diversified revenue sources; recruiting and retaining employees, volunteers, and board members; sector salaries and benefits; organizational workloads and staff burnout; and JEDDI actions across organizations. We also gave a virtual tour of IONS’ new Sector Data Dashboard and Sector Network Map and how to use these tools to support your work.
You can watch the recording and explore the tools below:

Community Impact Sector Data Dashboard
The Community Impact Sector Data Dashboard is a visual, interactive tool using the most recent data from both the 2022 State of the Sector Report and Statistics Canada. The dashboard is divided into four main sections, providing insights and key trends through an overview of Nova Scotia’s Community Impact Sector, Funding Landscape, Workforce, and JEDDI. Each section has the ability to click-through and display data filtered by sub-sector activities.

Community Impact Sector Network Map
The Sector Network Map is a brand new tool released by IONS, and the first of its kind, that provides a geographical registry of all impact organizations (registered charities and nonprofits) within Nova Scotia’s Community Impact Sector. This tool allows users to zoom in on any part of the province to find organizations in the local area, filter organizations by sub-sector activities, search organizations by name, and more.

2022 State of the Sector Report
The 2022 State of the Sector Report of Nova Scotia’s Community Impact Sector builds on the State of the Nonprofit Sector report released by APEC in 2020. The latest report summarizes what we heard from 253 impact organizations and includes a high level overview of the sector, as well as key findings from our research under four main themes: Funding Landscape, Workforce Trends, JEDDI, and Governance and Operations.