Desired Skills and Perspectives
We have a strong organizational commitment to justice and equity and welcome applicants from diverse cultural and demographic backgrounds. We are currently recruiting 2 board member positions to join us this spring, beginning with our Annual General Meeting on June 4th. In addition to experience with/ knowledge of the sector, as well as rural perspectives, we are particularly interested in adding new members living in Nova Scotia (outside HRM) with the following expertise:
- Policy and advocacy
- Systems change and innovation
- Legal
- Human resources
- Financial management
- Fund development
What You’ll Gain
By joining our board of directors, you’ll get an opportunity to develop your network with a passionate group of people and shape an organization that is working to make Nova Scotia a better place. We’re hoping to have board members join us May 12-14 in Membertou, Cape Breton for a sector celebration!
Submitting an Application
If you would like to apply to join our board, please complete the Monday Form linked here. We also welcome (and encourage!) video submissions which can also be submitted through the form. These should be no longer then 3 minutes long and include an introduction to you and why you are interested in joining the IONS board. All other application information is available on the form. If you have issues or questions, please contact Lisa Fiamelli, (she/they) Executive Assistant at lisa@ions-dev.alltimelowe.com
Additionally, if you require any accommodations in submitting your application or navigating the process, please reach out to Lisa Fiamelli, (she/they) Executive Assistant at lisa@ions-dev.alltimelowe.com
IONS Board Member Role Description
The IONS board meets about 5 times/year, including an overnight retreat in mid November. Meetings are approximately 2 hours in length. It is also expected that Directors participate in a Board Committee and these typically meet in advance of Board meetings.
Each board member director serves and is accountable to the board of directors of IONS. The board is accountable to the sector, funders, and interest groups. According to the IONS by-laws, in demonstrating accountability the Board endeavours to:
- Distinguish the organization’s external accountability to the sector, funders, and stakeholders from its responsibilities to staff, clients, or volunteers.
- Separate the accountability to funders for the performance of individual programs from the accountability of the organization as a whole; program-specific duties are a staff, not a board, responsibility.
- Make the governance structure, board composition, meeting practices and board recruitment processes transparent to the sector, funders and stakeholders.
- Build into accountability practices specific measures that encourage ongoing dialogue with the sector, funders and stakeholders on the direction and priorities of the organization. These efforts may take the form of period reports, website updates, the AGM, financial audit, annual report, press releases.
An individual board member has no formal authority to direct the board or the affairs of IONS, including the work of the Executive Director (ED), unless otherwise decided. Board members are entitled to make motions and vote on matters before the board.
Time Commitment
5 to 10 hours/month (board meetings, committee meetings, preparing for board meetings, special events). Leaves of absence from the board will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Term of Office
As defined by the by-laws, directors shall retire from office at the end of each annual general meeting at which their successors are elected. Retiring directors shall be eligible for re-election to a maximum of three terms.
The board as a whole has a duty to ensure that the organization is accountable for its performance to the sector, funders, stakeholders and the wider community. The Board is responsible for ensuring a strategic plan is developed and approved. Accountability practices focus on the organization’s performance in relation to:
- Its mission, strategic objectives and/or outcomes
- Adherence to core values
- Prudent use or stewardship of financial, human, and other resources
Board members are responsible for ensuring that the organization is fulfilling its mission, is looking to the future, is adhering to applicable laws and regulations, and is meeting high standards in its financial and human resource practices.
Board members commit to:
- Set policies that specify the results intended
- Evaluate the board’s structure to make sure that it meets the organization’s needs
- Keep minutes that record its decisions
- Provide support to staff, volunteers, and board members as they perform their duties
- Comply, as the employer of record, comply with all federal and provincial laws governing employment
- Provide orientation training for new board members within 60 days of their appointment to the board
- Regularly attend board meetings and important related meetings
- Be well informed on issues and agenda items in advance of meetings
- Participate in meetings and show commitment to board activities
- Participate on at least one board committee
- Attend at least 75% of Board and committee meetings
- Participate in board orientation to ensure organizational and fund development knowledge Provide candid, open, and honest feedback and evaluation
- Perform tasks between meetings, as assigned
- Maintain confidentiality when requested or required
- Actively champion IONS activities among their network of contacts and assist in identifying opportunities related to IONS’ strategic goals
- Maintain board solidarity (e.g. once a decision has been made, individual board members must not undermine that decision)
- Ensure that all feedback, input, and comments by board members are communicated in a manner that does not demean or embarrass any board member or devalue an issue or topic
- Uphold the by-laws, goals and strategic objectives of IONS
- Have a full knowledge and clear understanding of board and operational policies, procedures and standards
- Act honestly, in good faith, and in the best interests of IONS
- Be proactive in declaring any conflicts of interest (refer to conflict of interest policy)
Each board member director must have:
- A commitment to, and a clear understanding of the mission of the organization
- Knowledge of meeting procedures, governance policies and by-laws of IONS
- Sufficient time to devote to their duties
- Knowledge and understanding of the community impact sector
Removal of a Board Member
Each board member director is bound by this policy and the code of conduct. A director may be removed by the board, as described in the by-laws, for not abiding by the code of conduct or other policies that apply to the board and its members.
Submitting an Application
Deadline: Applications will be accepted until Thursday, April 18th, 2024 at 5PM ATL.
Process: Once applications are reviewed, members of the IONS Governance and HR Committee will reach out to conduct interviews.
Submission Process: Fill out the form here to submit your application!
If you require any accommodations in submitting your application or navigating the process,
please reach out to lisa@ions-dev.alltimelowe.com