IONS recognizes the existence of Anti-Indigenous Racism in Mi’kma’ki and its deep historical roots. We commit to working in solidarity with our Mi’kmaq colleagues, partners, and collaborators, to speak out against this form of racism and to help the nonprofit and voluntary sector in the province implement the TRC recommendations, decolonize their organizations and work collectively for meaningful social change to address the underlying and entrenched systemic issues.
Throughout our Decolonization Learning Journey series we have been gathering resources and information by our hosting team, including Elder Jane Meader, Mary Beth Doucette, and Unama’ki College. We hope that these resources help you in your own learning and as we continue our online learning series we will add resources to deepen our understanding and move towards meaningful and long-term change.
Scroll below to find Activities you can do with your family to help you learn more about Indigenous History, Current Affairs, and how to be a better ally.
Museums & Cultural Centres*
- This I What I Wish You Knew – Exhibit in the Museum of Natural history
- The Mi’kmaq Ethnology Collection – Nova Scotia Museum (Digital Resources)
- Mi’kmaq Portraits Collection – Nova Scotia Museum (Digital Resources)
- Wagmatcook Cultural and Heritage Centre – Wagmatcook First Nations
- Membertou Heritage Park
- Dozay’s Native Art Gallery
- Millbrook Cultural & Heritage Centre – Millbrook First Nation
- Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre
- Indigenous Exhibits – Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
- Itinerary: Nova Scotia Nature and First Nations – Indigenous Canada
Nature Walks*
- Eskasoni Cultural Journeys – Tour Goat Island
- Mi’kmawey Debert Interpretive Trail
*NOTE: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, many of these exhibits and centres may not be open or running at full capacity. Be sure to contact them before planning your visit.
Other Activities
- Experience the KAIROS Blanket Exercise
- Learn More About Indigenous Populations in Your Area – Mi’kmaw Bands in Nova Scotia
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