Request for Proposals:
Nova Scotia Nonprofit Coalition Strategy & Action Plan
Closing date: Friday, August 18 at 11:59PM AST.
The Nova Scotia Nonprofit Coalition (the Coalition) is an inter-organizational body of nonprofits who are collectively organizing to identify and address both opportunities and challenges in the Community Impact (Nonprofit) Sector. The Coalition formed by United Way Halifax, Community Foundations of Nova Scotia, and Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic to support the sector in navigating the impacts of the pandemic. It has since evolved to change how work is conducted in the sector to strengthen impact.
The Coalition knows that Nova Scotia is best served when community knowledge and expertise is valued by all, and present at decision-making tables. We centre community voices and act together to drive policy and champion a thriving nonprofit sector, in order to improve the quality of life of every Nova Scotia, now and in the future.
Coalition Principles:
Drive Public Policy and Sector Awareness: Through an equity lens, use our collective voices to increase public understanding of, and inform government policy priorities for, the nonprofit sector
Champion Strategy and Investment: Engage in cross-sector collaboration to re-envision the future of the sector so it is valued for its knowledge, respected for its impact, and flourishes in innovation and resourcing.
Secure an Equal and Respected Seat at Decision-making Tables: Ensure sector voices and community leaders are actively participating at key committees and multi-sector tables that aim to influence our province’s future.
The Coalition is seeking an experienced consultant to develop a strategic framework and action plan for the next three years. The goal of this process will be to build on the research and foundational work of the Coalition Advisory Group, to identify a strategy and action plan with insight and collaboration of the Coalition members. It is key that the candidate works with a sense of urgency to provide a tangible plan forward. Much research, consultation and thinking has been done, and as a Coalition we want to honour that work and focus on filling gaps, and finalizing a plan with feedback from members, rather than initiating a full consultation and engagement process.
We are interested in individuals with significant experience working in the Community Impact (Nonprofit, not-for-profit and voluntary organizations) and government sectors, with a proven ability to develop strategic action plans, work within complexity, across partnership, and generate action through advanced facilitation skills.
We are seeking a facilitator with the ability to develop strong relationships, connect the dots across existing work, sector research, and conversations, and distill themes to action. The ideal candidate will have experience working in policy and/or advocacy within the sector and understand the critical role the sector contributes to systems change. They will be bold, decisive and confident when working in collaboration with government and the Nonprofit sectors.
An important consideration of the Coalition’s work is to ensure representation of voices from diverse populations. The Community Impact Sector disproportionately employs women and members of equity-deserving groups and is more racially and gender diverse than any other sector. As a result, we are seeking evidence of cultural and diversity competencies when engaging with contractors.
Scope of Work & Deliverables
- A Strategic Framework with clear priorities and an action plan for the Coalition by March 2024, built off of the foundational work undertaken by the Coalition to date.
- The action plan must be clear and focused on the priorities for the next 3 years to achieve the strategy. Recommendations on accountabilities, timelines and resourcing are needed as part of the action plan.
- Summary of the scan of policy priorities and advocacy efforts for the sector across Canada and internationally, with recommendations for the Coalition including how the recommendations connect with the action plan.
- Co-design and co-facilitate November Coalition retreat.
The submitted proposal must demonstrate experience and understanding of leading a strategic planning process and mobilizing groups to action. The successful candidate will demonstrate deep understanding of the community impact and government sectors in Nova Scotia, and experience in developing strategies and action plans for public policy change.
Submission Information
Proposals can be submitted electronically via email, PDF preferred, with the subject line “Nonprofit Coalition Strategy RFP” to Kristen Faulkner, Coalition Organizer, at kristen@ions-dev.alltimelowe.com by Friday, August 18, 2023 by 11:59PM AST. Applications will be reviewed at this time.
Submissions may be considered beyond this time until the right candidate has been selected. Questions regarding this request for proposals can also be directed to Kristen Faulkner at kristen@ions-dev.alltimelowe.com. Daniel Holland, CEO, Community Foundation of Nova Scotia will be the Co-Chair supporting queries for this RFP on behalf of the Coalition Working Group.